P1206: Increased cerebrospinal fluid immunoglobulin free light chain levels in relation to lesion load and cortical thinning of multiple sclerosis patients.
Author(s): M.M. Voortman, T. Stojakovic, M. Jehna, H. Scharnagl, S. Ropele, T. Seifert-Held, J.-J. Archelos, S. Fuchs, C. Enzinger, F. Fazekas, M. Khalil
Freelite was assessed in the CSF and serum of 61 MS patients and 60 non-inflammatory neurological controls to assess the relationship of κ and λ FLCs to MRI-based measures of cortical thinning and periventricular lesion load.
MS patients had significantly increased CSF κ and λ FLC concentrations and an increased CSF κ/λ FLC ratio (all p<0.001) compared to controls.
CSF κ/λ FLC ratio (r=0.4, p<0.005) and λ FLC concentrations (r= -0.4, p=0.001) correlated with the percentage of periventricular lesion load.
There was no correlation between cortical thinning and CSF FLC concentrations or CSF κ/λ FLC ratio.
The authors conclude that ‘the relations of FLC data with MRI based measures of periventricular lesion load further suggest these markers to be involved in the pathophysiology of MS’
View Publication > Link to Voortman – ECTRIMS 2016